Camera Settings…???

The exposure triangle - There is not single camera setting for exposure. Instead, exposure is made up of three different data settings. Those settings are shutter speed, aperture and ISO.

EXPOSURE…IS TTHE AMOUNT OF LIGHT CAPTURED BY THE IMAGE SENSOR OF A CAMERA. If too much light gets to the sensor, the picture is washed out or too bright.. Conversely, if not enough light get to the sensor, the image will be underexposed or too dark.

Aperture - The size of the lens opening, measured in f/stops. Aperture controls the depthof-field which is the area that is in focus in the picture. Aperture can be used to draw attention to one part of the picture. One thing to remember is that the f/stop numbers are smaller for larger openings and numbers are larger for smaller aperture openings i.e. f/1.4 is larger opening and f/22 is tiny. A little confusing I know…

Shutter Speed - The amount of time the sensor is exposed to the ldight measured in fractions of a second. Shutter speed can be used to freeze a subject with a fast speed of 1/250 or faster or it can be used to blur motion with a slow speed like 1/4. You can also adjust shutter speed to capture images in low light scenarios IE: increasing the amount of time the cameras sensor is exposed to image/light. In shis situation, you usually need a tripod so that you don’t blur your photograph.

ISO -The light sensitivity of the image sensor. The smaller number (like 100) is considered low and is not very sensitive and number like 1600 is high and is very sensitive to light. The higher the ISO speed, the faster the camera gathers light, but it also adds noise to the photograph. Most of the time you should keep the ISO at the lowest setting if there is enough light around you to get the shot you want. Sometimes though, the only way to get a shot is to crank up the ISO. A noisy shot is better than no shot at all.

Gary Bright

“Oldest Family Owned Business in Downtown Mineola, est: 1947”

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